Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Determination- The quality of being determined to do or achieve something.

So since my "Jesus take the wheel" moment, I came home with a new look at my life.
I've realized so much, so much that I need to change. It's like I've been lost in the shadow's and finally the sun came out and showed me a brighter path.

So that's where Determination came in, I've decided that I'm no longer going to let people tell me that something is impossible, and that I can't do something!

I've decided that all the thing's that I'm afraid of, or the thing's I have convinced myself that I can't do..I'm Determined to prove myself wrong.

Have you ever had someone get under you're skin (my brother lol) and tell you that you CAN'T
do something? And because of it, it's made you even more Determined to prove them wrong?

Determination It's what I live by right now, It's what I wake up and say to myself each morning, Every time I hear it.. it make's me work harder to achieving my goals.

Shannon :)

Jesus Take the Wheel....

So a Couple Weeks ago.. I drove the 10 hour drive to Utah with Conner to go visit friends who havent seen him. I had thought about the trip for a good month before we left, on how I was going to entertain a 2 year old for a 10 hour drive. The original plan was to leave at like 8 and drive through-out the night. But my mom wouldnt have it. Its too unsafe. So I left around 3 in the afternoon. The drive there was interesting.. seeing Conner get frusterated with his toy trucks in the back seat. He would start crying because he couldnt figure out how to latch the car onto the tow truck. It was cute!

We stopped in Winnemacca and I let him get out and stretch while he ate his mcdonalds. Anxious to get back on the road, we continued our journey. About 9:00 Conner passed out, We didnt make it to utah until 2:30 in the morning... Sheesh talk about being sleepy.
We had a Fun Week! Hanging out with friends and Spending time with Joyce's Family.

On the last day.. (not wanting to leave) We said our goodbyes and made our way back to California. The weather was rainy when we left Salt Lake but it cleared up as we continued our drive. About a few hours outside of Reno my mom said that there was a snow storm in Lake Tahoe and that I would need chains. I then called my friend Amber who was at work and nearby a computer and she looked up the weather conditions and said that 80 the freeway I was on would require chains but freeway 50 didnt. So after talking to my mom again we decided to take the 50 route home.

We made it outside of Carson City and up the hill to venture into Lake Tahoe. The weather wasn't bad until we made it halfway up the hill with no where to turn around. Snow was coming down thick and I started to grasp the steering wheel a little bit tighter, Going about 30 miles an hour I continued to venture up the hill, Soon it got unbearable and I decided I should head off the road onto the shoulder and park, With the slightest turn on my steering wheel I felt my tires start to slide and I had lost control of the car. I was on black ice and my car had spun around smashing into the side of the mountain. It seemed like everything was moving in slow motion, while I turned around and looked at Conner, Tears were streaming down my face as the car stopped, both hands clenched onto the steering wheel, I sat there and prayed. "Please..Please somebody help us!" I couldnt stop repeating those words as cars kept passing by us, not one would pull over and stop. As scared as I was I knew I had move my car out of the way.. Slowly but surely I managed to get the car over to the shoulder and put it in park. Sitting there crying with my head on the steering wheel all I could do is keep praying for help.

I have never been so scared in my life. About an hour of sitting on the side of the road, My car was covered in snow and I couldnt move. Holding Conner's hand we sat still watching cars pass us. Finally a Ranger pulled over behind us and he came up to my door and asked if I was ok. He had me fill out an accident form and then later he came back and asked if I wanted to sit in his truck and talk with him, He didnt notice Conner until I said I have to get him out. Thats when he went back and called a tow truck to come get us. Another hour of waiting and a tow truck was there to help us. My prayers were answered. It was snowing so bad and there was no plow trucks coming to clear the roads. As Conner and I got into the tow truck we watched as my car got lifted onto the truck.

The whole way up the hill the tow truck was sliding a little bit which was nerve wracking while we passed about 15 cars on the side of the road. The guy looked at me and said I am very lucky to have my little boy. We were a Priority, no other tow trucks were coming up that way because of the conditions. About a half hour later we were back in carson city at the nearest hotel.

I was soo shaken up, I got into the hotel and just cried! But I was extremely thankful to safe and free from harm. The Lord was indeed watching over us :)

The next day we continued our journey and to my suprise it was completely sunny and the roads were clear. What an Adventure!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

So... Ive decided I really need to get this thing goin.. :)

Yes.. I know, Im soo bad at keeping on track with this thing, Im far more interested in reading about everyone else and what they are doing. But a lot of people want me to get a blog started soo they can see what my life is about. So here we go...
So Conner is 18 months and is going to be in Nursery. I cant get over how fast he has grown. He is soo active and has the cutest little personality, Sometimes he can overwhelm me with just how fast he can get into everything or how many messes he can make in one day. But He sure does love to be outside. And he sure does make mommy smile alot! He is talking more and saying "Uh Oh" all the time which is sooo cute. I am truely blessed to have him in my life.

As Far as what I have been doing.. I stay pretty busy... With Photoshoots on the weekends and working hard on my website I hope to get some business coming my way soon. I really Love doing makeup, I think my favorite part about it all is just watching the expression on someones face after Im all done :) that right there makes it worthwhile.

well I know this entry doesnt do justice for all the gaps from june to now which is like almost October so I maybe I will try to keep this going :)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

So.. I started One of these a Long time ago.. Just never got around to making it interesting.. So here we go...

So in the past month, not only have I lost my job, but have been really struggling in trying to start my career. When I graduated school last January I was the only girl from my class who was pregnant and couldnt go to work right away, and when Conner was 6 months thats when I was on the lookout for Salons that I could work at. Well.. Things just didnt go my way so I got a Job as a Teachers Aide Substitute which I strongly dislike.. dont get me wrong I love working with kids but being on call everyday.. Not realistic when I have to race around town like a maniac to drop Conner off and race to wherever they call me to. Well that job is pretty much over with because of summer and I havent been called in over 3 weeks sooo..

I really feel the pressure now.. In trying to support myself as a single mother, everyday I wake up and I know I have to try harder.. It just gets overwhelming sometimes.

Conner is now 14 months (where did the time go?) and he gets into EVERYTHING!! I'm trying to learn to be more patient with him.. It's just hard when he gets into the things that are my favorites.. (like my makeup palletes) I cant handle that. But somehow.. from being so angry.. Conner has a way of coming back in the room and jumpin into my lap and cuddling with me and making me laugh, and I totally forget I was mad. He has been my motivation to be better I think without him I wouldnt have done the things that I have accomplished. :)

People always ask me how I do it? ha ha I wonder the same things sometimes.. But all I can really tell them is that.. Heavenly Father is watching over us.. It definately isnt just me.. There are times where I have no money to even buy diapers or gas and within that week.. I will have a client who needs to be waxed call me out of the blue and then I get paid just enough to get by.. isnt that cool? ha ha I think so..

Life is such an adventure that you dont know where your going next.. But as Long as I have my Lil Conner Bug.. I know its gonna be filled with FUN!